Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Vigan City is among the 'New 7 Wonders' finalists

Our very own Vigan City has been shortlisted as one of the 28 finalists in the campaign for the 'New 7 Wonders Cities' of the world.

Vigan, a vibrant city located in northern Philippines, is a prime tourist destination and home to a UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the Heritage Village. A gem of Ilocos Sur, Vigan showcases the rich Spanish heritage through its many well-preserved architectures and ancestral homes. It's also home to old museums, tasty local dishes, and a heritage church. A true world- class heritage city, indeed.

Bernard Weber, founder-president of New7Wonders, announced yesterday the official list of finalists. He said “This outstanding shortlist of 28 cities mirrors the diversity of urban society, especially when, for the first time in history, more than half of our planet’s population lives in cities. Going forward, the New7Wonders Cities campaign will encourage debate about how cities should respond to the challenges of the present and the future. By voting in this worldwide campaign, people everywhere can decide the 7 cities that best represent the achievements and aspirations of our global urban civilization.”

The finalists will have to go through three elimination phases through online voting which will end on December 7, 2014. 

Video courtesy: TVigan Ka-ivigan

Vote for Vigan here --->

The 28 finalists are (in alphabetical order):

Athens, Greece
Bangkok, Thailand
Barcelona, Spain
Beirut, Lebanon
Casablanca, Morocco
Chicago, USA
Doha, Qatar
Durban, South Africa
Havana, Cuba
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Istanbul, Turkey
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Kyoto, Japan
La Paz, Bolivia
London, United Kingdom
Mendoza, Argentina
Mexico City, Mexico
Mumbai, India
Perth, Australia
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Prague, Czech Republic
Quito, Ecuador
Reykjavik, Iceland
St. Petersburg, Russia
Seoul, South Korea
Shenzhen, China
Vancouver, Canada
Vigan, Philippines


  1. I'm hoping that Vigan will be included. Pinakbet, Okoy, Empanada and Longganisa! That's how I spell VIGAN. :-P

  2. Unique food (empanada, bagnet, longganisa, pinakbet, puqui puqui and royal bibingka), shelter (ancetral houses), clothing (abel iloco), transportation (calesa), friendly people (BigueƱos) and everything in between.

    A true living museum. A clean and green city with excellent local governance. International awardee for best practice in heritage conservation worthy of emulation by other countries.

    1. I couldn't agree more. Hopefully Vigan's inclusion in the list will bring in more tourists and more awareness to conserve its old charm. :)

  3. Unique food (empanada, bagnet, longganisa, pinakbet, puqui puqui and royal bibingka), shelter (ancetral houses), clothing (abel iloco), transportation (calesa), friendly people (BigueƱos) and everything in between.

    A true living museum. A clean and green city with excellent local governance. International awardee for best practice in heritage conservation worthy of emulation by other countries.

  4. Bigla ko naalala kung gaano kasarap maglakad sa Calle Crisologo dati.

    1. And that's my favorite part of every Vigan trip! Night walk along Calle Crisologo. :D

    2. Sumakay sa kalesa ng hapon at maglakad sa Calle Crisologo ng gabi. Mga bagay na hindi dapat makalimutan gawin sa Vigan.
